Comprehensive Program Assessment System (Compass) Customization Form
Please complete the following information so that we may customize the Compass system to your particular program needs.
Contact Information
Main Program Contact/Person Completing the Form
System Set-Up
Please select a program name for your system. This system program name will be used as the login for all Compass users. You can choose any program name, but we suggest that it is short and easy to remember. Please do not use spaces (e.g., cobroconsulting).
Please identify the grade level(s) you are serving in this current school year.
Please list each school that is, or will be, in your program, along with district in parenthesis. If you need to list more than ten schools, please attach an electronic file with this information.
Please list the name and e-mail address of people who will need to have access to our secure data upload site. This list should include any person who will be providing data directly to CoBro Consulting.
Do you participate, or plan to participate in CCREC (The College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium)?
Student Identification
Please list any types of student IDs used to track students (e.g., IDs issued by the school, district, or state). Include a primary ID, and any addtional IDs you would like to track in Compass. Please be sure that the primary ID is an ID that will not change when a student moves schools or districts (e.g., State ID).
Standardized Tests
Compass is able to track multiple standardized tests. By default, the system includes scores for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. Please list the name of your state standardized test, and any additional middle and high school level tests you would like Compass to track for your program.
Student & Parent Services
By default, Compass organizes the grant services offered to students and parents according to categories required by the Annual Performance Report (APR).
To submit program services, download the CoBro Consulting Program Services Upload Template. Complete the template, save and name the file, then upload the file below.
Include all services, and service subcategories offered to students and parents.
Staff Development Training
If you plan to use Compass to keep records of staff development training, please list the most common types of staff development training tracked by your program (e.g., Math, ESL, Technology).
Additional Data
Will you be providing comparison group data?
Please select any additional data elements you would like to track.
Is there any additional data you would like to track?
Please complete the following information ONLY IF your system includes CompassMatch.
Please list all program partners, and the indirect cost rate for each partner (e.g. Wells Fargo 8%, CoBro Consulting 6%). If you need to list more than ten partners, please attach an electronic file with this information.
Thank you for completing a customization form. We will contact you soon with next steps.