Screenshot 1. Student Participation Graphical Report
The student participation graphical report displays a bar graph identifying the percent of students who participated in the top five services tracked, and a pie chart identifying total hours per service type and percent of total participation hours of those services.
Screenshot 2. Race/Ethnicity Graphical Report
Compass generates graphical reports, which present categorical information such as student race and ethnicity.
Screenshot 3. Compass Reports Screen
Compass allows the user to generate reports using menu options displayed on the Reports screen. Users select a type of report, such as Student Summary Report, and additional options and filters will be available.
Screenshot 4. Services Summary Report
Using Compass, staff are able to run real-time reports to monitor service coverage and participation rates. Compass also contains participation reports showing program service usage and needs for students. The Services Summary Report presents summary data about student service participation. Each service category tracked is determined by program staff and can be modified by designated staff as additional needs arise.
Screenshot 5. Compass Analysis Screen
Because Compass links participation data with outcomes data at the student-level, system users can conduct a variety of statistical analyses within the system to analyze program impact. This includes descriptive statistics (e.g., means and frequency distributions) as well as inferential statistics (e.g., correlations, t-tests and chi squares). These analyses serve to inform program processes by identifying services having the greatest impact on students, and other services that may need modifications to be more effective.
Screenshot 6. Chi Square
The following is a sample chi square analysis that Compass runs for education programs we currently serve. This type of analysis would be modified for GWC use; for example, change in survey responses or skills assessments before and after program participation could be examined for participants and a comparison group.
Screenshot 7. Correlation Analysis in Compass
Inferential statistics currently available through Compass include correlation, chi‐square, and t‐test analyses. Analyses can be run for the program as a whole to examine overall program impact, or for individual components to examine effects of various services. The inferential statistics also automatically determine whether the results are statistically significant, based on a standard alpha probability level of .05
Screenshot 8. Student Services Data Entry Screen
Compass includes a batch entry feature that enables input of data for multiple participants in the same service or program event in a single entry. A group feature is also available, which allows automatic selection of students who participate in an activity on a regular basis. Other ease-of-use and automatic prompt functions are available within Compass that reduce manual entry errors and increase data accuracy.
Screenshot 9. Compass Home Page
The main (home) page serves as the location for examining data on individual participants.
Screenshot 10. Student Demographic Data Entry Screens
Participant demographic information can be entered as new students enroll, uploaded from external sources, or populated from an external source with data automatic transfer capabilities and permissions.
Screenshot 11. Batch Entry for Class Schedules
When student transcript information is not available electronically, data on class enrollments and term grades can be entered manually for use in tracking course enrollment choices and outcomes.