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CoBro Consulting Data Management and Evaluation Services

Please do not use the Internet Explorer browser to complete this form. If you are using a Microsoft browser, please use Microsoft's Edge browser that was released in 2015. All other browsers are also compatible with the form.


Please complete one form for each program for which you are seeking services and requesting a price quote.


If you have a grant program for which you are interested in using CoBro Consulting services, please complete the following form. Information provided in this document will help us to determine how to accommodate your database management and/or program evaluation needs. 

I. Contact Information

Program Director/Manager contact information:

II. Evaluation and Database Management Needs

Please indicate the services for which you would like a price quote. (Mark all that apply)

III. General Program Information

IV. Specific Program Information

GEAR UP programs only:

Please provide the grade levels and approximate total number of students you will serve during each program year.

Total number of participating districts and schools:

Data submission information:

Additional information:

V. Survey Information

If you are not requesting information about our survey services, please skip this section. 

Please indicate the survey services you would like included in your cost estimate (select all that apply). Specify the method and frequency of surveys requested:

Note: CoBro Consulting offers to provide forms in English and Spanish. If you require additional translations, we will rely on your local translator to provide the wording, which we will attempt to insert into our forms so they can still be scanned/processed by CoBro technicians.

If "other" was selected in any of the above survey requests, please specify here:

Once survey data are processed, we will upload the data into our online survey results module. Your program staff can then generate survey outcome reports, program-wide or disaggregated by district, school, and/or grade, on demand.

Additional survey needs:

Thank you for your interest in our data management and evaluation services!


If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Cole at

Thank you for submitting your program information.
We will be in contact soon!

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